The Allotments      Saved for the village


Saturday 9th September 2017        Grand Opening of the Allotments.

 Thanks to all those villagers  who attended the BBQ and donated goods for sale. The event was enjoyed by all & raised £700


Photography by Dennis Molyneux     01322 669523


Thankyou to The Swanley Village Trust for saving the Allotments

We were successful (thanks to the generosity of many Villagers and Swanley Village Trust funds in obtaining the allotments at the Auction.
There was fierce bidding, with the last bidder bidding at £145,000 obviously having a limit of £150,000 allowing us to bid at that price.
We were delighted to be successful but obviously as the large number of visitors to the allotments showed, many were interested in
the long-term development potential of the site.
Thankfully we have avoided a major problem as it was likely that the buyer would have made a nuisance so
as to hasten the acceptance of development as a better option.
It goes without saying that without the help of The Trust and the Villagers that contributed, we would not have been successful.
If you were (unfortunately) unaware of any of the meetings leading up to the auction and would now like to contribute
by way of a donation towards this purchase, please let us know through our email address:

We would be most grateful for your support.
These allotments will now be maintained by Swanley Village Trust in perpetuity for the Village.

From the start of our endeavours, to the day of bidding, was only 2 weeks,
which shows that people from our Village can come together in times of need
and we hope that we can all rally together to raise the necessary funds which
needs to be repaid.      We hope that you all will support us in our efforts.

Swanley Village Trust



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