Swanley Village   


Cottage Allotments
A proud acquisition by Swanley Village Trust for the village.      
Photo   copyright  Dennis Molyneux


Morris Dancers 2018
Photo Dennis Molyneux

Residents Association 
Explore the Village 
Neighbourhood Watch
Swanley Village in Bloom
Business (Local)
Photos from Church Tower
Village Film  DVD
Paintings by Anthony Hilder
Drawing by Anthony Hilder
Cottage Allotments


 Dial 2 Drive. Scheme

For an up to date diary of events
 click on Newsletter link above




Welcome to our Home Page
New dial-2-drive scheme.
A low cost transport for people who are unable to access public transport due to old age, illness or disability


Photos by Dennis Molyneux (01322 669523)

The village newsletter is published quarterly
 & contains news of local events.
To submit anything for inclusion in the newsletter email 
Rachel Wallis at  SwanleyVillageRA@outlook.com
or mobile 07860 478257
To submit anything for this website email 
For access to planning at Sevenoaks go to www.sevenoaks.gov.uk/planning